As a member of the Matrix Financial Network Send Us Deals you want to close

Tell Us About Yourself

    First Name(required)

    Last Name(required)

    Email address (required)

    Cell phone number (required)

    Are you a full time investor?

    About Your Deals

    City (*):

    Zip Code (*):



    Type of deal(*):

    What do you want to sell your property for (*):

    What condition is the property in?(*):

    What needs to be fixed on the property?:

    What is the Property worth after it is Fixed up (ARV) (*):

    What is the property worth As-is (*):

    Has it ever been listed : (*):

    If yes how much was it listed for? (*):

    How long has it been on the market?

    Is your fee included in the sale price (*):

    If no, how much?

    Are you looking to assign the deal to us or partner?

    When does the deal need to close?

    5) Anything else you want to tell us about the deal?