As a Matrix Financial Network member we will Send You Excellent Deals. We get so many deals that we simply cannot close them all. BUT, if you are interested in getting on our “Discounted Real Estate and Note” List, we promise to send you opportunities that will not be a waste of your time. As a Matrix member we can structure deals, and joint ventures that work for your success. We can also do “tax free” investing in your IRA or 401k.

    First Name(required)

    Email address (required)

    Telephone (required)

    Are you a full time investor?

    What type of discounted real estate and note deals are you looking for?

    1) What types of deals you are looking for:

    2) What state/province or country you are looking for if it matters to you?:

    3) What is the price range of properties are you looking for?:

    4) How much are you looking to Invest?:

    5) Anything else you want to tell us or are looking for?: