Discounted Mortgages

Matrix Financial Network operates throughout the United States and also invests in distressed mortgages backed by real estate. Matrix buys and sells discount mortgages. We have relationships with other hedge funds, investment banks, insurance companies, pension funds and loan servicers. We evaluate the note and the real estate collateral. We purchase performing and non-performing residential and commercial mortgage notes and properties for resale nationwide. We convert the purchased notes and properties into performing assets by working with the existing borrower or a new owner. Matrix is committed to the success of our joint venture partners and the success of the homeowners we work with. If our partners are not successful we are not successful. We create success by buying discounted mortgages and then work with homeowners to find the best solution and then selling the mortgages or property to private investors or non-governmental agencies. Matrix specializes in self- directed tax free IRA’s and 401k’s for investing in discounted mortgages.We can work with larger investment groups in acquisition of larger pools and then find workout solutions for the homeowners. We are able to effectively negotiate with homeowners to arrive at a solution from loan modification to loss mitigation. We believe our efforts will help stabilize the real estate market and give homeowners real solutions to real problems.

Call us or email us for more information:, 360 754 7623, or 1 800 248 0688

We buy discounted mortgages. How much is the discount? For a performing note the discount can be 20% to 50% of the note. Cash now is worth more than cash in the future so there is a discount. For a nonperforming note the discount can be 40% to 70% of the note. We demand a greater discount because we have to find a solution. A solution for the borrower and the investor. We buy notes in bulk and sell individual notes. Often we will joint venture with another company or investor to buy and sell notes. We observe specific criteria for targeted purchases, including geographic areas, type of property, and loan to investment value. We are able to complete due diligence on the notes at a lower cost yet being very effective. This allows us to structure solutions which benefit the investor and the property owner. Solutions include loan modifications, repayment plans, short sales, note sales, deed in lieu, and foreclosure and REO sales

The Economy

The credit crisis continues to persist. Lenders did not adequately provide for their losses. Banks loss mitigation departments are larger than their origination departments. There is a large inventory of defaulted loans that the lenders have not faced. The loans are still on their books but regulation will force the lenders to sell the loans or pursue their remedies. It is difficult for homebuyers to get a loan and difficult to get financing for commercial properties. Lenders are selling their nonperforming loans at a discount. Especially on smaller loans. The cost of servicing the loans and foreclosing is so high that it is more cost efficient for the lender to sell their loan at a discount. The Fed’s actions have weakened the dollar and the banks have tightened credit. This creates some unique buying opportunities for high net worth investors and institutions. Buyers can buy severely underprices assets. Buyers are buying discounted notes and foreclosed real estate. Since large hedge funds have been buying REO’s the prices have been highly competitive often forcing the individual investor out of the market. Many of these investors have found superior investments in the discounted note market. If you do not know where to find deals or how to deal with hedge funds, just fill out your contract information to get this free report:

What are the best deals in today’s economy?

Management Services

Our company has experts in due diligence, appraising, valuation, titles, title insurance, finance, tax, insurance, credit analysis, and marketing.

We analyze the collateral files, credit applications Hud-1, payment history and broker price opinions and appraisals of the collateral. We analyze the foreclosure law in the state where the collateral is located and the note and security instrument. We analyze the lien positions and check for superior liens. We negotiate the deal. We analyze the property condition, neighborhood, and demographic and economic information. We utilize a network of real estate brokers to market the real estate owned properties.

Once we acquire the note we offer several options for the homeowner or borrower.

Repayment Plan

We negotiate with the borrower to reinstate the loan if they have the capacity to do so. A homeowner may have lost their job but have a good track record and want to stay in the house. We offer repayment plans to catch up on back payments and move ahead.

Loan Modification

If the borrower demonstrates the ability to be current on their payments we are able to negotiate loan modifications. We can negotiate loan modifications in a short amount of time since we do not have the multiple layers of managers and regulations that slow the banks decision making process. Since we have purchased the note at a substantial discount we can offer a reduction in principal and a reduction in interest rate if warranted.

Short Sale

We also will offer short sales. A short sale allows the borrower to sell the property for less than the amount of the loan. Since we buy the loan at a substantial discount we can allow a short sale and still maintain a margin of profit.

Short Payoff

We also accept short payoffs whereby the borrower refinances the loan and we discount our note.

Sell Notes

Another option we have is to sell our discounted note to another investor at a profit. When we turn a nonperforming note into a performing note the note is worth more than what we paid for it.

Deed in Lieu

The borrower may want to deed the property back to us and walk away. This is called a deed in lieu whereby the borrower deeds the property back to the lender so they can avoid the foreclosure proceeding. Another term for a deed in lieu is cash for keys. This is where we offer the homeowner cash for the deed so they can find another place to live.


If we can’t find a solution we are forced to foreclose. Once we have title to the property we have many options.
We can sell the property for cash
We can rent the property.
We can lease option the property.
We can sell the property and offer owner financing.